Engine lubrication,  OM617

Removal and installation of oil pressure relief valve



18—215 Removal and installation of oil pressure relief valve


Tightening torques
Oil drain plug to oil pan
Oil pan lower half to upper half
Closing plug for oil pressure relief valve
Special tools



Torque wrench handle 20—100 Nm
om617 - 0420-1.jpg
001 589 35 21 00
Changeover ratchet for torque wrench
001 589 42 09 00
Allen wrench 5 mm, 300 mm long
116 589 02 07 00




1    Remove oil pan lower half.
2    Unscrew closing plug (66).
Closing plug is under pressure of compression spring (67).
3   Remove compression spring (67), pin (68) and piston (69).




4    Install piston (69), pin (68) and compression spring (67).
5   Screw in closing plug (66) with new sealing ring and tighten to 35-45 Nm.
6   Install oil pan lower half with new gasket and tighten screws to 9—11 Nm.
om617 - 0420-2.jpg
66   Closing plug                68 Pin
67   Compression spring 69 Piston


18.8-215/1 F2